Markup Review
John Allsopp, founder of the Web Directions conferences sent us in the Web Directions East site.
As you’d expect from a site about a cutting edge web design conference you’ll find lots of html5, microformats and CSS3.
John Allsopp, founder of the Web Directions conferences sent us in the Web Directions East site.
As you’d expect from a site about a cutting edge web design conference you’ll find lots of html5, microformats and CSS3.
3 thoughts on “Web Directions East”
Just to let you know, the design and implementation are by Satoshi Kikuchi and Oli Studholme. The screenshot there BTW doesn’t show the 3 images which are rotated using transforms in CSS3, the main button in the top right uses a css gradient background too
Excellent, thanks for pointing that out John.
Hi All,
Sorry, but we’re rearranging the WDE site at the moment and this page is currently lost in the move. You can check it out here in the meantime:
Btw, you can check out my crib notes in the bottom of the HTML source 😉
peace – oli