Ian Devlin

Ian Devlin

Markup Review

Personal site of Ian Devlin, as a side note Ian’s blog isn’t HTML5. I don’t believe that social links should be within an article and remember section shouldn’t be used as a generic wrapper. Ian also makes use of some of the new web forms input types and attributes such as placeholder.

4 thoughts on “Ian Devlin

  • Pingback: Tweets that mention Ian Devlin | HTML5 Gallery -- Topsy.com

  • Ian Devlin says

    Many thanks for the addition and for the suggested changes. I’ll look into them right away.

    Ian Devlin says

    I’ve made some of the changes you suggested. Beginning to have a better understanding of when and how to use some of the new tags.

    Ian Devlin says

    A quick update, the blog is now also HTML5.

    Got something constructive to say?