Evan Black Mashup

Evan Black Mashup

Markup Review

The lifestream of Chicago web developer Evan Black.

There is a section used to wrap the content area where a div would be more appropriate. Without a datetime attribute the time element is pretty pointless (unless the machine-readable date is inside the tag). The search box could have used type="search".

2 thoughts on “Evan Black Mashup

Evan says

Thanks for the feedback. I’m definitely going to put your suggestions into effect. The specific semantics of the new HTML5 elements are interesting to get used to. I think instead of using the section element to wrap the content, I will use it inside of the article element, instead of a div with the “entry-content” class. This seems like more of what the spec suggests.

I’m not sure how I missed filling the datetime attribute with the machine-friendly time. I guess I was being sloppy. 🙂

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