

Markup Review

Commercial site selling fitness and boxing equipment.

Uses a lot of new structural elements. I wouldn’t have put the “your account” link and search box in the header, they don’t really belong there. Nice use of the nav in the footer for site navigation. The “about us” page has poor use of the hgroup element, stuffing a h2 tag with loads of text. I feel this should be in a section with the h2 in a header.

The deprecated center tag is also used throughout and I think that the contact form could have used some of the new form elements, as they degrade gracefully. Once again the type atribute is not required in script and stylesheet link elements.

One thought on “Fit-Equip

Richard Powell says

Although the business has two main lines of products, I don’t agree with the terminology of two ‘sites’.
It should be possible to structure the site as two major sections with some minor sections for About Us etc.
Or have two completely different sites with different branding – though that would have implications for cross-sell, SEO, and maintenance overhead.

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