Frederick Indoor Sports Center

Frederick Indoor Sports Center

Markup Review

A website advertising Frederick Indoor Sports Center in Maryland, USA.

A lot of care and attention has gone into the markup of this website. Shortened doctype, script elements and stylesheet link elements, WAI-ARIA landmark roles, input type="email", input type="tel" and microformats are used throughout the site. Not only that but the document outline is spot on, with section and article used appropriately.

There is room for some small improvements though. The content of the figure in the page footer couldn’t really be said to be necessary for the understanding of the surrounding content, so aside would be a better choice. There are also headings that are hidden using CSS clip. If there’s no need for the heading it can be left out.

One thought on “Frederick Indoor Sports Center

james weaver says

I read the html5 feeds everyday and came across this site while using my new Acer tablet. I noticed a bug when viewing it in the android web browser. When I scrolled down the page the calendar expands and extends to the size of the page.

Jut a quick note, the site looks great otherwise, love the graphics and layout.

James Weaver
UX Designer

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