

Markup Review

A blog from Indonesia.

The use of aside to wrap the main content area is not its intended use. It is for secondary content related to the site; or if nested in an article it’s for content that is related to the article. Furthermore using section elements to divide up the main content area into left and right columns is not the correct use of section.

4 thoughts on “Cekerholic

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  • oelil says

    keren dab…bisa buat referensi hasil designmu

  • Pingback: sundul ah … RT @fm_aris: #barutau kalau blog sy masuk HTML5Gallery. thx buat yg udah submit ;) http://html5gallery.com/2010/07/cekerholic/ | Valent Mustamin! Tweet Archiver

  • Pingback: sundul ah … RT @fm_aris: #barutau kalau blog sy masuk HTML5Gallery. thx buat yg udah submit ;) http://html5gallery.com/2010/07/cekerholic/ | valent on twitter

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